Welcome to synology setup

This page is about installing optional packages from the unslug project on Synology NAS Diskstations. I once created/patched an autoinstaller script for the ipkg package manager which runs on the Synology CS407 (and compatible devices) -- you can still find it in the downloads section below, but I suggest using the version available directy from ipkg.nslu2-linux.org.

FEEDS: The Synology Wiki lists the Diskstations with their processors.

Inside each of the feed directories you can also find a .xsh autoinstaller which you can use to install the ipkg package manager which is then used to install any other package.


  1. download the <name>.xsh script.
  2. copy the <name>.xsh script to your Diskstation.
  3. login to your Diskstation with SSH.
  4. cd to the directory holding the <name>.xsh script.
  5. run the .xsh file with sh <name>.xsh.
  6. execute ipkg update to retrieve the list of available packages.
  7. execute ipkg list to see a list of available packages.
  8. execute ipkg install <package_name> to install a package.
Alternatively to steps 1-4 you can login to your Diskstation first and download the .xsh script directly with wget.



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